2010 m. rugpjūčio 22 d., sekmadienis

Velta liemenė/Handmade nuno felt vest-'The sea looking at the sky' OOAK

Šlapias vėlimas .
merino vilna, bananų pluoštas, šilkas , dažyta medvilnė.

Finest merino wool with sky-blue silk and fun cobalt, indigo, midnight, azure, navy, sapphire, sky, denim color silk and cotton, exotic and sustainable banana fiber, flax, or other fibers.

2 komentarai:

Cash en Els rašė...

Its a lovely shirt, I think You should wear it often!

Have a nice day, Els

Donata rašė...

Oh , thank you Els!This is my first attempt to create a garment :)